Goodbye, boring socks and soap-on-a-rope! Here’s what to get your man this Valentine’s Day
Goodbye, boring socks and soap-on-a-rope! Here’s what to get your man this Valentine’s Day Shopping for men can be notoriously tricky, which is why so many of us fall back on yet another...
Introducing Happa Foods
Introducing Happa Foods Just launched in South Africa, organic Happa Foods brings you a range of healthy and delicious baby foods that are super convenient for busy parents. Happa is dedicated towards making food...
A major player in oral care, Jordan’s, recently topped the polls when its Green Clean toothbrush was lauded as Top in Sustainable Toothbrushes. Jordan Green Clean, with its recycled plastic handle, renewable bio-based bristles...
I will NEVER be one of those moms who…. {BABY DIARIES}
Okay, this is a slightly clickbaity title. Sorry, not sorry. I have always been a lover of mommy blogs. And especially those who document the hysterical, sometimes embarrassing, anecdotes that their kids come up...
Let’s look at more of the Sorbet Make-Up range {MAKE-UP}
Sing another tune, Rayne! I know, I know. I chat about Sorbet make-up on here A LOT. But this is for two reasons. One, I love the range and it deserves more recognition. And...
My Superbalist Black Friday Showdown Wishlist {BLACK FRIDAY}
I have never been one to get all riled up over Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Shopping sale items, I LOVE. But I just cannot stand the thought of the queues and the hoards...