Hi lovelies! Last time I posted about my International Beauty Swap I received SUCH great feedback – I actually broke my blog view record that day. I immediately planned more swaps as soon as...
Hiya! Today I thought I would finally upload a get to know me/random facts/blah blah post. I absolutely love reading these from other bloggers and I am always more likely to go back to...
Since departing on my lipstick journey (seriously, over the last two months I have bought more than thirty) I have tried everything from tube lipsticks, palette lipsticks, velour lipsticks, and more. I absolutely LOVE...
PLEASE NOTE THIS IS GOING TO BE A LOOONG AND PHOTO FILLED POST. Hi eveeeerybody! Here is my Part Two post following my International Swap! In my last post here I covered what the...
Hello helllo you fine person and welcome to my first ever LOOK POST! When I started my blog I knew that it would be predominantly beauty related as that is my thing but I also...
Hi guys! A few weeks ago I posted all about my make-up storage, along with a few DIY ideas. So today I thought I would show you another cheap way that you can store...
Hi guys! And welcome to my first ever ‘Lip Look’ post. I always see bloggers focusing more on one type of make-up category than others, and it looks like a really fun and interesting...
Everybody loves a LUSH bath product, right? YES MA’AM! They have very quickly become the most coveted bath products (Bath Ballistics and Bubble Bars) around, and I am yet to see a ‘Girls Night...
Welcome back everyone! So a few months ago I joined a Facebook site that was created for people to join up and partake in “International Swaps”. You could swap anything really, but this group...
Maybelline – This post was a spur-of-the-moment kind of post. I was innocently sitting at work scrolling through Twitter when I noticed that there was an almost identical tweet doing the rounds on...
The Lipstick Tag I have only been really into lipsticks since last Winter, it’s something that I can fill my cheap makeup organiser with. I feel like if you don’t...
For Christmas I was gifted this awesome set from Foschini. (And by that, I mean it was from a family member who purchased it at Foschini. Not from Foschini itself) At first I...
Hello lovely people! This is just a quick update to let you know that I have FINALLY ordered my fab new camera. So for the next two or so weeks I will still be...
I have wanted to do a Save VS Splurge post since I started my blog. I am more of a middle-class make-up girl myself, with lots of high end products but also lots of cheaper...
Todays post is going to be all about brush care and how I clean my brushes. First off, I’m just gonna be honest here, I know you are meant to clean them after EVERY...
I know we probably all wish we had beauty stations like this one. Hell, my main goal in life is to have a beauty ROOM. Unfortunately for me though I still live at home...