Who doesn’t love Dr. Des? Personally I am a HUGE fan, absolutely love him! See below for some super-exciting news..



South Africa, June 2021: The Skin Cancer Foundation of South Africa (SCFSA) has awarded Dr Des Fernandes, Founder and Scientific Director of Environ Skin Care, with their first ever Lifetime Achievement Award for his significant contribution to the techniques and technologies associated with skin rejuvenation as well as photoprotection. The globally acclaimed and respected plastic surgeon and scientist was also recognised for his contribution to the field of topical antioxidants and vitamins, to which he has dedicated over 30 years.

Dr Des
Dr Des Fernandes, Founder and Scientific Director of Environ Skin Care

Says Dr Marc Roscher, CEO of the Skin Cancer Foundation of South Africa, “Dr Des Fernandes has truly adjusted our understanding and influenced the way we work as physicians, not just as South Africans but worldwide. Testament to this, he received the Dermatological Aesthetic Surgery International League (DASIL) International Lifetime Achievement Award in Doha in 2019. As South Africans, we are very honoured to give this award to him in recognition of his monumental contribution in the fields of skin rejuvenation, photoprotection and the development of the field of needling.”

It was the agonising loss of two young melanoma patients in the 1980’s that motivated Dr Fernandes’ research into the skin and skin cancer. This defining point in his career was when that he discovered the revolutionary effects of vitamin topical applications on the skin, especially that of vitamin A. This scientific breakthrough within the skincare industry led to the conception of Environ Skin Care and an unprecedented 30-year legacy in scientific innovation that followed, including many more ‘world first’ skin health developments that are Environ’s products embody.

Says Dr Fernandes, “I am truly humbled to receive this award. My work is and has always been driven by my passion for finding scientific solutions to common skin issues and sharing that knowledge as widely as possible. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and so it’s my belief that we should all be united in understanding how it works and should be cared for.”

“Dr Fernandes is truly deserving of this award. He has been giving freely of his knowledge to peers and non-medical healthcare practitioners. This is truly a unique part of who he is, and we thank him for that”, concludes Theresa De Beer, COO of the Skin Cancer Foundation of South Africa.