Since I posted the image of my unnamed cucumber plant on Instagram, I have actually had people asking me what is he called, how is he doing?

Hendrick’s Gin has enlisted a couple of Saffas to take part in the #CultivateTheUnusual campaign. I must be honest, seeing everyone’s sprouting cucumbers on social media was slightly freaking me out. My seeds had not sprouted a thing, yet online I was seeing luscious green fonds forming!

And then, literally, overnight the seedlings developed into proper little plants. Yippee! You can see just how proud mama Rayne is from this photo.


Look, look, I made a baby!


Hendricks also kindly sent us some cultivation and bonding tips, to aid in the healthy development of our little green gremlins.


Thankfully I have not got any seances planned for the next few months. But I also have no plans to visit the ballet in the near future. Another worry to me was living in the windy city of Cape Town. Let alone the fact that I live in Fish Hoek! It is literally a valley shaped like a bowl. It is SO windy and according to our top tips, cucumbers are not fans of the wind. One day he actually toppled over and off the table. Yor, what a terrible moment. Thankfully he was not hurt, but I am definitely more vigilant to keep him out of the wind. I was also over hydrating him, as you are only meant to water the seedlings thrice a week. I had been watering him every day when I gave him a kiss goodbye in the mornings. What a no-no.




Another top tip is to verbally express to your seedlings how much you love them. I did indeed chat away to Columbus and encourage him to grow. I also detailed to him just how much I would enjoy him with some raspberries and tonic once he is fully grown. And he seem very excited, indeed.

Oh yes, did I mentioned he has finally been named? After numerous comments and suggestions across social media, I finally decided on Columbus the Cucumbus. My pregnant friend suggested this name and, due to the fact that she is growing her own human seedling successfully, I thought this was a good sign!

The next step is to move him into a bigger pot. Apparently cucumbers are like goldfish; they grow larger if in larger spaces.


Wish me luck for the next two months!!

Rayne XX

