Wow. Life has been SO crazy lately which is why I have barely been posting. In the grand scheme of things its not like I have thousands of readers wondering where I am and why I have not been blogging, but there have been one or two people noticing my absence! 🙂

A few weekends ago my grandpa passed away. It was TERRIBLE at the time and even though he lived only a road away from my dad’s place, we were not super close. However, he was an awesome guy with a wicked sense of humour that would catch you off guard at the most randon momentst!

His passing started off a series of busy events. My mom (who immigrated to London in July) came home for the funeral. This was of course amazing as we were not going to see her until this coming December, and my siblings and I got to see her in the middle of our long haul where we were NOT going to see her. Happiness!

In the few days before my mom arrived, my sister and I handled everything from identifying the body, liasing with the morgue, meeting with the pastor, and so much more. My little sister seriously pulled out all the stops in making this process go as smoothly as possible for my mom.
ANYWAY, my mom was only here for a week but it was a week of business. Seeing her was amazing and her trip coincided with my brother’s school holidays which meant she could personally take him to appy for his UK Visa. She said she was so damn hungover on the day that she probably looked like an estranged parent attempting to smuggle her kid out of the country!

All three of our visas were accepted – YIPPEE! But now back to the point of my story. Bloody hell, you can tell I have not been blogging in a while. WORD VOMIT.

While my mom was here, she also had to take over ownership of the house as she is my grandpa’s only family. She decided to Air BnB it but on the night before she left she asked if myself and Marius would live there. Whoaaa. We just moved to Noordhoek six months ago!
My mom asked this of us mainly because she is having MAJOR renovations done on the house – it is totally stuck in the 70’s! And secondly, it is just plain unsafe to have an empty house these days.

I was originally a bit unsure about uprooting again after just doing it six months ago, but come on. We would be upgrading from a one room bachelor pad thing on my boyfriend’s parents’ property to a TEN room house. And as for “uprooting” our liveso. This new place is only 10 minutes away so moving will be easy(ish) and we will be only 300m from my dad and my sisters 🙂 As well as the fact that we will be doing my mom a favour as my boyfriend is now project managing the entire process. I will do updates on the blog, the renovations will begin on the 14th November and I CANNOT WAIT!

We have also been without wifi since before we moved in because we have to change our internet and phone lines to a new address – AND MY LAPTOP IS BROKEN. Can you even? I have a suspicion that my charger is broken (as there are copper wires sticking out of the charging chord) not my laptop, but I am too scared to check in case the computer man says I need a new laptop. And heck no, I am saving for our UK trip. Maybe chat to Los Angeles IT services company and see what they say. Ain’t got NO money for a new laptop. So this – coupled with the no wifi scenario – is why I have been so AWOL! At this rate, I’ll be getting a loan to pay for my new computer, more money!

I will be back and back in action like never before as soon as possible! I have so many amazing new post ideas just stewing away…

Rayne XX